Good Mentality Quotes

Most of the people are afraid about others opinion!?. If we lead our life in the direction of those inspirational quotes, then we can break free from the bonds of masses for being limited by our mental boundaries.

Inspirational Strong Mind Quotes

A good inspirational quote can spur your mind on toward greater achievement. In fact it can inspire you to do wonderful things with your life. Without something to guide us, we will often-times feel lost.

The mind is the most powerful tool that humans possess, it can be used to help you attain success or it can take you to the depths of failure. Learn to use your mind to its optimal level if you want to live life on a new level. Become the master of your mind or it shall rule you. Once you train your mind and see the positive in every situation life will be phenomal. We are sharing some inspiring strong mind quotes, sayings and proverbs (with images and pictures) so that you train it well to achieve everything you aim in life.

A Strong Mind Quotes

People with a strong mind are mentally tough and can adapt well to any situations in life. In todays world everyone is stressed, anxious and worried. Regardless of the circumstances your best support is your mental strength. You can be successful and overcome any hurdles in life if you have a strong mind, and an unshakable willpower. #strongmindquotes


“A strong mind can move mountains.”

“As you think, so shall you become.” – Bruce Lee

“Every thought we think is creating our future.” – Louise Hay

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” – Buddha

“Be strong-minded, and always believe that the impossible is possible.” ~ Selena

“Focused mind power is one of the strongest forces on earth.” – Mark Victor Hansen

“Insubordination may only be the evidence of a strong mind. -” Napoleon Bonaparte

“We must have strong minds, ready to accept facts as they are.”  ~ Harry S. Truman

“She knew the power of her mind and so programmed it for success.” – Carrie Green

“A strong mind is one of the key components that separates the great from the good.” ~ Gary Player

“It all begins and ends in your mind. What you give power to, has power over you, if you allow it.” – Leon Brown

“A weak mind is ambitious of envy, a strong one of respect.” –  Edward Wigglesworth

“Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.” – Socrates

“Strong minds suffer without complaining; weak minds complain without suffering.” Lettie Cowman

“Strong minds suffer without complaining; weak minds complain without suffering.” ~ Lettie Cowman

“Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change.” – Anonymous

“Weak minds sink under prosperity as well as adversity; but strong and deep ones have two high tides.” – David Hare

“When you become the master of your mind, you are master of everything.” – Swami Satchidananda

“You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be.” – Marianne Williamson

“If you have a strong mind and plant in it a firm resolve, you can change your destiny.” ~ Paramahansa Yogananda

“It’s when the discomfort strikes that they realize a strong mind is the most powerful weapon of all.” ―Chrissie Wellington

“Mind over matter. Weak-minded people are easily influenced. Strong-minded people, you can’t break their will.”    ~Lee Boyd Malvo

“Mental toughness is spartanism with qualities of sacrifice, self-denial, dedication. It is fearlessness, and it is love.” ―Vince Lombardi

“If he were a man of strong mind, it only gave him fits; but a person of mere average intellect it usually sent mad.” ~ Jerome K Jerome

“Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.” – Earl Nightingale

“In the big leagues, everyone has the ability. It always comes down to mind games. Whoever is more mentally strong-wins.” ~ Muhammad Ali

“It takes energy, mental toughness and spiritual reinforcement to successfully deal with life’s opportunities, and to reach your objectives.” ―Zig Ziglar

“There is no limit to the power of the human mind. The more concentrated it is, the more power is brought to bear on one point.” – Swami Vivekananda

“Throw away all weakness. Tell your body that it is strong, tell your mind that it is strong and have unbounded faith and hope in yourself.” ―Swami Vivekananda

“A weak mind sinks under prosperity as well as under adversity. A strong and deep one has two highest tides, รข€” when the moon is at the full, and when there is no moon.” – Augustus Hare

“The truly strong and sound mind is the mind that can embrace equally great things and small. I would have a man great in great things, and elegant in little things.” – Samuel Johnson

“We observe with confidence that the truly strong mind, view it as intellect or morality, or under any other aspect, is nowise the mind acquainted with its strength; that here the sign of health is unconsciousness.” – Thomas Carlyle

“The mind is a powerful force. It can enslave us or empower us. It can plunge us into the depths of misery or take us to the heights of ecstasy. Learn to use the power wisely.” – David Cuschieri


Being mentally strong can be the best thing you do to yourself. Mentally strong people can persist through any pain and obstacles in life and sail through it. You can achieve anything which the mind perceives.

“The mind is the key.”

“The game is won in the mind.”

“The body achieves what the mind believes.”

“A strong mind looks forward, not backward.”
 “A determined mind is an undefeatable force.”
“Our life is the creation of our mind.”-  Buddha
“We are what we believe we are.” – Anonymous
“What consumes your mind, controls your life.”
“If you have a strong mindset, the body will follow.”
“Your mind has to be stronger than your feelings.”
“Happiness depends on your mindset and attitude.”
“Your mind is your greatest power. use it well.” – Aneta Cruz
“Our greatest battles are those with our own mind.” – Anonymous
“Train your mind to see the good in every situation.”-  Anonymous
“Have a strong mind and a soft heart.” – Anthony J. D’Angelo
“A mind is as strong as its weakest think.” – Thomas Lansing Masson
“Your strongest muscle and your worst enemy, is your mind. Train it well.”
“Whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life.”- Anonymous
“With a strong mind you can conquer it all. Your mind is limitless.” – J.J.Goldwag
“We must have strong minds, ready to accept facts as they are.” – Harry S. Truman
“Use your imagination and awaken your mind to the limitless possibilities that exist for you.”
“The strong-minded rise to the challenge of their goals and dreams. The weak-minded become haters.” ― Steve Maraboli
“Whoever is strong in mind and spirit will have power over them.” – Fyodor Dostoevsky
“Your mind is precious. It has the power to unlock infinite possibilities.” – Joel Annesley
“The only thing greater than the power of the mind is the courage of the heart.” – John Nash
“You got to train your mind to be stronger than your emotions or else you’ll lose yourself everytime.”
“I honestly believe that with a strong mind, you can literally ‘will’ the ball into the hole.” ―Ray Floyd
“Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change.” – Anonymous
“A person’s mind is so powerful. We can invent, create, experience, and destroy things with thoughts alone.” – Anonymous
“Champions aren’t made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them―a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have the skill, and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.” ―Muhammad Ali


“She would rather walk alone in darkness than follow anyone else’s shadow.”  – R. G. Moon

“Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.” – Oprah Winfrey

“I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I believe in miracles.” – Audrey Hepburn

“A strong woman knows how to keep her life in line. With tears in her eyes, she still manages to say, “Nah, I’m fine.”

“We need women who are so strong they can be gentle, so educated they can be humble, so fierce they can be compassionate, so passionate they can be rational, and so disciplined they can be free.” – Kavita Ramdas


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